Honour Committee
- Mr. Alfonso Rueda Valenzuela
President of the Xunta de Galicia - Ms. Belén Gómez Quevedo
Head of the Thermal Tourism Area of Galicia - Mr. Luis Menor Pérez
President of the Diputación de Ourense - Mr. Gonzalo Pérez Jácome
Mayor of the City of Ourense
- Mr. Francisco Javier Rodríguez Rajo
Vice-Chancellor of the University of Vigo - Mr. Roberto Ignacio Fernández López
Director of the Auga Campus - Mr. Rogelio Martínez González
Director of Expourense
Organizing Committee
- Presidency:
Mr. Francisco Javier Rodríguez Rajo
University of Vigo
Ms. Montserrat Cruz González
University of Vigo - Technical Secretary:
Ms. Fernanda Mirón Parra
Technical consultancy Cinco Sillas SL. - Mr. Francisco Javier Sánchez Sellero
University of Vigo - Mr. Francisco Tugores Martorell
University of Vigo - Mr. Juan Manuel de los Ríos Sánchez
University of Vigo
- Mr. Marcos Álvarez Díaz
University of Vigo - Mr. Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Méndez
University of Vigo - Ms. Beatriz González Sánchez
University of Vigo - Ms. Mónica Villanueva Villar
University of Vigo - Ms. Vanessa María Suárez Porto
University of Vigo - Mr. José Javier Pavón Rivo
Scientific Committee
- Mr. Antonio Molina Abraldes
University of Vigo - Mr. Antonio Navarro García
University of Sevilla - Ms. Beatriz González Sánchez
University of Vigo - Ms. Carmen Pardo
Polytechnic University of Viana do Castelo - Ms. Daniela Thiell
University of Nebrija - Mr. Eduard Cristóbal Fransi
University of Lleida - Ms. Elena Rivo López
University of Vigo - Mr. Eugenio Luque Dominguez
University of Málaga - Mr. Francisco Javier Sánchez Sellero
University of Vigo - Mr. Francisco Reyes Santías
University of Vigo - Mr. Francisco Tugores Martorell
University of Vigo - Ms. Goretti Silva
Polytechnic University of Viana do Castelo - Mr. Jorge Xavier Saldanha
University of the Republic of Uruguay
- Mr. José Antonio Fraiz Brea
University of Vigo - Mr. Juan Manuel de los Ríos Sánchez
University of Vigo - Mr. Marcos Álvarez Díaz
University of Vigo - Ms. Mercedes Ubeda García
University of Alicante - Mr. Miguel Rodriguez Méndez
University of Vigo - Ms. Mónica Villanueva Villar
University of Vigo - Ms. Montserrat Cruz González
University of Vigo - Ms. Odile Eloy-Tran Van Choï
University of Bordeaux - Mr. Patricio Sánchez Fernández
University of Vigo - Mr. Raúl Ruiz Callada,
University of Alicante - D. Ricardo José María Pahlen Acuña,
University of Buenos Aires - Ms. Sybille Ramon Dupuy
University of Bordeaux - Ms. Vanessa María Suárez Porto
University of Vigo